Selecting the Right RO-NF Membrane Product Now a Breeze!

Different industries have different needs. However, all industries have one thing in common. That is, to be able to efficiently run its processes and applications with minimized cost overheads and maximized desired output. Selecting the right type of membrane products is the first step towards achieving energy, cost and process efficiency.

The RO-NF Product Selector Tool helps you in selecting the right membrane product fit, basis an array of parametric inputs such as water source, pretreatment, permeate flow, feed TDS, permeate TDS and operating temperature. The best part is that it runs in a much shorter time as is required to run the more accurate and powerful projections on IMSDesign Cloud, which may require more engineering expertise.

This tool aids you with a quick shortlist of potential products at a click of a button.

Using this tool is very easy. Once you select the water source, pre-treatment and enter the permeate flow, feed TDS, permeate TDS and operating temperature, the tool intuitively presents you with a range of membrane products with respective feed pressure and permeate quality. Additionally, the tool also provides links to the product’s specification sheet and the selected membrane product family.

Specialty RO & NF applications with unique feed waters for the Oil & Gas industry and industrial wastewaters may require further design assistance from Hydranautics. Do feel free to get in touch with our worldwide network of professionals who can assist you with membrane solutions suited to your specific needs for non-water applications such as the Food & Beverage industry.

That’s the reason we say that with our RO-NF Product Selector Tool, selecting the right RO-NF membranes is now a breeze!

Explore to experience this tool innovation.

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